Instant Ab Flatteners

Achieving a toned, sexy tummy might seem like a pipe dream this time of year. Baggy sweaters abound, egg nog is served and Frosty the Snowman doesn't offer much in the way of flat-belly inspiration. But getting a sleek, sexy stomach is easier than you think. Spend just five minutes a day on toning your abs and you'll get an amazing middle.

Stop Snoring

For most people, snoring is not a major problem, and most people snore at least occasionally. Men and overweight people are more likely to snore and snore more often. The frequency and intensity of snoring will likely increase with age if not dealt with at an earlier stage.

Best Anti-Aging Foods

These six food groups hold the "power" to help you lose weight and turn back the clock. Don't miss our easy seven-day meal plan and delicious anti-aging snacks!

Top 10 Healthiest Snacks : You Can Just Keep on Eating

Your body needs food - its fuel - in mod - crate doses throughout the day so it always has nutrients available. Having four or five 'mini-meals' daily helps most people prevent cravings and ultimately achieve and maintain healthy weight. The choice of a healthy snack involves - variety, balance, and moderation. Try to limit the snack calories to 100 to 200 calories.

Try thinking of snacks as foods eaten between meals rather than as treats or rewards," suggests Barbara Whedon, R.D., a dietitian and nutrition counselor at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia.

5 Bogus Diets That Will Do More Harm Than Good

With obesity as one of our number one killers, it is no surprise that Americans are scrambling for any kind of weight loss help. Unfortunately, in this eternal struggle to be thin and healthy, people end up looking for salvation in all the wrong places. Instead of relying on exercise and following the credo "everything in moderation," we turn to miracle solutions, diet supplements, and calorie deprivation. The results are the following bogus diets that may work in the short term, but may also cause severe harm to your body over time.

4 Reasons you are "fake hungry"

Our appetites can be quite the pranksters. They often fool us to think we are hungry, when often, we may be suffering from something completely different. Distinguishing between false hunger and true hunger will help you know when your body really needs food and when it needs something else.




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